Investor FAQs

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What is Clene’s ticker symbol and on which exchange does it trade?
Clene Inc. trades under the ticker symbol CLNN on the Nasdaq Capital Market.
Where is Clene’s corporate headquarters?
Clene Inc’s Headquarters and Development are located in Salt Lake City, Utah. Manufacturing, R&D is located in Maryland.
How many employees does Clene have?
Clene Inc. has approximately 80 employees.
When did Clene go public?
Clene Inc. became a publicly traded company on December 31, 2020 through a merger with Tottenham Acquisition I Limited, a special purpose acquisition company.
When does Clene’s fiscal year end?
December 31
Who is Clene’s transfer agent?
Equiniti Trust Company, LLC
Who is Clene’s independent auditor?
Deloitte & Touche LLP
Who is Clene’s legal counsel?
Holland & Knight LLP
How can I purchase Clene stock?
Please contact a registered stockbroker to purchase shares of Clene Inc.
Does Clene pay dividends?
Clene Inc. does not pay a dividend and has no current plans for a dividend reinvestment program.